

An Open Web advocate and front-end engineer and back-end engineer, who loves everything mobile, and writes about HTML5, CSS, JS, TS, JAVA, PYTHON, tech events, gadgets, etc.

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IDEA shortcut key(IDEA快捷键)


  • Ctrl+Alt+U & Ctrl+Alt+B 显示当前类的实现类到画板上面
  • Ctrl+Alt+B 显示当前类的实现类的方法详情
  • Ctrl+Alt+V IDEA生成变量快捷键
  • Ctrl+Shift+空格 智能提示
  • Ctrl+Alt+T 快速生成try catch
  • Ctrl+F12/Alt+7 查看当前类的所有方法
  • Shift+F6 批量改变量名
  • Ctrl+Alt+M 快速生成选中代码生成一个方法
  • Ctrl+R 查找并替换
  • Ctrl+F/Ctrl+Shift+R 按照文本的内容查找
  • Ctrl+Shift+N 按文件名搜索文件
  • Ctrl+H 查看类的继承关系
  • Alt+F7 查找类或方法在哪儿被使用
  • Shift+Shift 搜索任何东西
  • Ctrl+N 按名字搜索类
  • ctrl+鼠标左键:进入接口,它是进入下一层
  • Ctrl+Alt+鼠标左键 进入实现方法,它是进入最底层
  • Ctrl+P 查看方法内变量


  • Ctrl+Alt+U & Ctrl+Alt+B Display the implementation class of the current class on the canvas
  • Ctrl+Alt+B displays the method details of the current class’s implementation class
  • Ctrl+Alt+V IDEA Generate Variable Shortcut
  • Ctrl+Shift+Space Smart Prompt
  • Ctrl+Alt+T to quickly generate a try catch
  • Ctrl+F12/Alt+7 View all methods of the current class
  • Shift+F6 Batch Change Quantity Names
  • Ctrl+Alt+M Quickly Generate Selected Code and Generate a Method
  • Ctrl+R Find and Replace
  • Ctrl+F/Ctrl+Shift+R Find according to the content of the text
  • Ctrl+Shift+N Search for files by file name
  • Ctrl+H View Class Inheritance Relationships
  • Alt+F7 Find where a class or method is being used
  • Shift+Shift search for anything
  • Ctrl+N Search for classes by name
  • Ctrl+left mouse button: Enter the interface, which is used to move to the next layer
  • Ctrl+Alt+left mouse button to enter the implementation method, which is to enter the bottom layer
  • Ctrl+P View Method Internal Variables

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