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E-commerce model abbreviation(电商模式)


B2B (Business to Business) refers to the process in which both the supplier and the demander of e-commerce transactions are merchants (or enterprises, companies) who use Internet technology or various business network platforms to complete business transactions. E-commerce is a specific and primary manifestation of modern B2B marketing. Case studies: Alibaba,

B2B ( Business to Business)是指进行电子商务交易的供需双方都是商家(或企业、公司),她(他)们使用了互联网的技术或各种商务网络平台,完成商务交易的过程。电子商务是现代 B2B marketing的一种具体主要的表现形式。



B2C stands for Business to Customer, and its Chinese abbreviation is “Business to Customer”. “Business to customer” is a model of e-commerce, commonly known as the direct retail model of selling products and services to consumers. This form of e-commerce is generally dominated by online retail, which mainly uses the Internet to carry out online sales activities. B2C means that enterprises provide consumers with a new shopping environment - online stores through the Internet, and consumers conduct online shopping, online payment and other consumption behaviors through the Internet. Case: Vipshop,




B2B2C is a type of e-commerce online shopping business model, where B stands for BUSINESS and C stands for CUSTOMER. The first B refers to suppliers of goods or services, the second B refers to enterprises engaged in e-commerce, and C represents consumers. Case:, Tmall Mall




C2C stands for Customer (Consumer) to Customer (Consumer), which refers to the electronic commerce behavior between individual consumers. For example, if a consumer has a computer and conducts transactions online, selling it to another consumer, this type of transaction is called C2C e-commerce. Case: Used cars on Taobao, eBay, and Guazi

C2C即 Customer(Consumer) to Customer(Consumer),意思就是消费者个人间的电子商务行为。比如一个消费者有一台电脑,通过网络进行交易,把它出售给另外一个消费者,此种交易类型就称为C2C电子商务。



O2O means Online To Offline (online offline/online to offline), which means combining offline business opportunities with the Internet to make the Internet a platform for offline transactions. This concept originated in the United States. The concept of O2O is very broad, which can involve both online and offline, and can be collectively referred to as O2O. The mainstream business management courses have introduced and paid attention to the new business model of O2O. Case: Meituan, Are you hungry

O2O即Online To Offline(在线离线/线上到线下),是指将线下的商务机会与互联网结合,让互联网成为线下交易的平台,这个概念最早来源于美国。O2O的概念非常广泛,既可涉及到线上,又可涉及到线下,可以通称为O2O。主流商业管理课程均对O2O这种新型的商业模式有所介绍及关注。


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